Group sessions and seminars can be arranged at your place of business

They’re a great way to improve morale and productivity for your office or business.


They can also be arranged at a reduced rate making hypnosis both affordable and profitable.


For Remote areas – travel expenses and accommodations are paid for by the client.


 Call   (08)  9300 3073    or  0413 367 099      for more information or  contact page.

Marian Cameron Group Hypnosis Marian Cameron Group



Smoke-Free Group Sessions


The Smoke-free Workplace can encourage and support to their employee’s.


It is estimated that a smoker spends approx 115 hours per year on unauthorised cigarette breaks. Eg for one employee this would cost $1955 a year. If you have 10 smokers, it’s cost you $19550 in smoking breaks alone!


  • Smokers take at least 5 extra days of sick leave per annum on averagegreentick
  • Smokers have approximately 34% increased rate of absenteeism,
  • 29% increased risk of industrial injury
  • 40% increased risk of occupational injury
  • For an average small to medium sized business the overall extra cost to a company of employing just one smoker is conservatively estimated at more than $5000 per year.    This equates to $50 000 per year if you employ 10 smokers!

Call   (08)  9300 3073    or  0413 367 099     

for more information or to book contact


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