CHEMICALS are POISONS IN CIGARETTES  – The following is a partial (ONLY) list of the most widely used chemicals found in cigarettes.

AMMONIUM COMPOUNDS raise the alkalinity of smoke to provide high levels of ‘FREE’ Nicotine which increases the ‘Addictive Kick’.

FLAVOURINGS enhance the taste of cigarettes to make them easier to smoke. Sweeteners and chocolate make them more palatable to CHILDREN and first time smokers. Eugenol and Menthol numb the throat to reduce the irritation factor of smoking and make it easier to inhale.

COCOA based additives dilate the Bronchial airways to allow deeper and easier access to your lungs, exposing your body to higher ingested tar and Nicotine levels.

SMELL and VISIBILITY SUPPRESSING ADDITIVES mask the appearance of side–stream smoke. This apparently reduces the anti–social aspects of smoking in public, but it does nothing to reduce the harmful side effects of passive smoking. In fact, it makes it harder for non-smokers to protect themselves.

Chemicals that create the toxicity and addiction are inherent in some additives, either in isolation or when they are combined with other additives. When these chemicals are burned, new chemical products are formed and these too may be toxic or pharmacologically active.

HYDROGEN CYANIDE is highly toxic in large doses. In lower doses it can cause faintness, drowsiness, anxiety, sweating, dizziness and nausea which can lead to vomiting. Long-term exposure to lower doses causes weakness of the fingers and toes, difficulty walking, dim eyesight, deafness, and decreased thyroid function. It is believed to contribute towards birth defects.

TAR is made up of a number of toxic and irritant chemical compounds. Known to cause Cancer in animals, one of its constituent chemicals has been found to damage the DNA in a human gene that serves as a key tumour suppressor. It damages the small hairs that protect your lungs from dirt and infection. It coats the inside of the alveoli in your lungs which reduces the efficiency of gas exchange in your breathing.

The alveoli have a surface area of around 180 square metres, and half of this area can be covered in TAR. Condensed tar is the sticky brown substance that stains the smoker’s fingers and teeth. Inhaled cigarette smoke condenses to deposit 70% of its tar content into your lungs.


TOLUENE, another of the volatile chemical liquid solvents, inhaled over long periods causes irreversible brain damage.


ACETONE is a volatile liquid solvent found in nail polish remover and paint stripper. It damages the lining of your mouth, and irrates and damages skin. Long-term exposure can cause kidney, liver and nerve damage, increase birth defects, and lower a man’s reproductive ability.

ACROLEIN GLYCEROL is a chemical added to cigarettes as a moistener. When burned it decomposes into acrolein which causes damage to skin and is such a severe pulmonary irritant that it was used as a chemical weapon during World War One. Concentration as low as 2ppm are immediately dangerous to life.

AMMONIA is an aggressive chemical used in industrial cleaners and commonly found in dry cleaning fluids.

BENZENE is a colourless hydrocarbon derived from coal and petroleum used as an industrial solvent. Known to be carcinogenic, associated with leukaemia.

CADMIUM is a poisonous metal used in making batteries, known to cause damage to your liver, kidneys and brain.

There are so many more, these are just but a few.




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